Interface ProcessDefinitionQuery

    • Method Detail

      • processDefinitionId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionId​(String processDefinitionId)
        Only select process definition with the given id.
      • processDefinitionIds

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionIds​(Set<String> processDefinitionIds)
        Only select process definitions with the given ids.
      • processDefinitionCategory

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionCategory​(String processDefinitionCategory)
        Only select process definitions with the given category.
      • processDefinitionCategoryLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionCategoryLike​(String processDefinitionCategoryLike)
        Only select process definitions where the category matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • processDefinitionName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionName​(String processDefinitionName)
        Only select process definitions with the given name.
      • processDefinitionNameLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionNameLike​(String processDefinitionNameLike)
        Only select process definitions where the name matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • processDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionNameLikeIgnoreCase​(String nameLikeIgnoreCase)
        Only select process definitions where the name matches the given parameter, ignoring upper/lower case. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • deploymentId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery deploymentId​(String deploymentId)
        Only select process definitions that are deployed in a deployment with the given deployment id
      • deploymentIds

        ProcessDefinitionQuery deploymentIds​(Set<String> deploymentIds)
        Select process definitions that are deployed in deployments with the given set of ids
      • parentDeploymentId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery parentDeploymentId​(String deploymentId)
        Only select process definitions that are deployed in a deployment with the given parent deployment id
      • processDefinitionKey

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionKey​(String processDefinitionKey)
        Only select process definition with the given key.
      • processDefinitionKeyLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionKeyLike​(String processDefinitionKeyLike)
        Only select process definitions where the key matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • processDefinitionVersionGreaterThan

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionVersionGreaterThan​(Integer processDefinitionVersion)
        Only select process definitions which version are greater than a certain version.
      • processDefinitionVersionGreaterThanOrEquals

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionVersionGreaterThanOrEquals​(Integer processDefinitionVersion)
        Only select process definitions which version are greater than or equals a certain version.
      • processDefinitionVersionLowerThan

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionVersionLowerThan​(Integer processDefinitionVersion)
        Only select process definitions which version are lower than a certain version.
      • processDefinitionVersionLowerThanOrEquals

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionVersionLowerThanOrEquals​(Integer processDefinitionVersion)
        Only select process definitions which version are lower than or equals a certain version.
      • latestVersion

        ProcessDefinitionQuery latestVersion()
        Only select the process definitions which are the latest deployed (ie. which have the highest version number for the given key). Can also be used without any other criteria (ie. query.latest().list()), which will then give all the latest versions of all the deployed process definitions.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableIllegalArgumentException - if used in combination with processDefinitionVersion(Integer) or deploymentId(String)
      • processDefinitionResourceName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionResourceName​(String resourceName)
        Only select process definition with the given resource name.
      • processDefinitionResourceNameLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionResourceNameLike​(String resourceNameLike)
        Only select process definition with a resource name like the given .
      • startableByUser

        ProcessDefinitionQuery startableByUser​(String userId)
        Only selects process definitions which given userId is authorized to start
      • processDefinitionTenantId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionTenantId​(String tenantId)
        Only select process definitions that have the given tenant id.
      • processDefinitionTenantIdLike

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionTenantIdLike​(String tenantIdLike)
        Only select process definitions with a tenant id like the given one.
      • processDefinitionWithoutTenantId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionWithoutTenantId()
        Only select process definitions that do not have a tenant id.
      • processDefinitionEngineVersion

        ProcessDefinitionQuery processDefinitionEngineVersion​(String engineVersion)
        Only select process definitions that have the given engine version.
      • messageEventSubscriptionName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery messageEventSubscriptionName​(String messageName)
        Selects the single process definition which has a start message event with the messageName.
      • withLocalizationFallback

        ProcessDefinitionQuery withLocalizationFallback()
        Instruct localization to fallback to more general locales including the default locale of the JVM if the specified locale is not found.
      • orderByProcessDefinitionCategory

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByProcessDefinitionCategory()
        Order by the category of the process definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByProcessDefinitionKey

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByProcessDefinitionKey()
        Order by process definition key (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByProcessDefinitionId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByProcessDefinitionId()
        Order by the id of the process definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByProcessDefinitionVersion

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByProcessDefinitionVersion()
        Order by the version of the process definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByProcessDefinitionName

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByProcessDefinitionName()
        Order by the name of the process definitions (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByDeploymentId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByDeploymentId()
        Order by deployment id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByTenantId

        ProcessDefinitionQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).