Interface CmmnDeploymentQuery

    • Method Detail

      • deploymentId

        CmmnDeploymentQuery deploymentId​(String deploymentId)
        Only select deployments with the given deployment id.
      • deploymentNameLike

        CmmnDeploymentQuery deploymentNameLike​(String nameLike)
        Only select deployments with a name like the given string.
      • deploymentTenantId

        CmmnDeploymentQuery deploymentTenantId​(String tenantId)
        Only select deployment that have the given tenant id.
      • deploymentTenantIdLike

        CmmnDeploymentQuery deploymentTenantIdLike​(String tenantIdLike)
        Only select deployments with a tenant id like the given one.
      • deploymentWithoutTenantId

        CmmnDeploymentQuery deploymentWithoutTenantId()
        Only select deployments that do not have a tenant id.
      • parentDeploymentId

        CmmnDeploymentQuery parentDeploymentId​(String parentDeploymentId)
        Only select deployment that have the given parent deployment id.
      • parentDeploymentIdLike

        CmmnDeploymentQuery parentDeploymentIdLike​(String parentDeploymentIdLike)
        Only select deployments with a parent deployment id like the given one.
      • parentDeploymentIds

        CmmnDeploymentQuery parentDeploymentIds​(List<String> parentDeploymentIds)
        Only select deployments with a parent deployment id that is the same as one of the given deployment identifiers.
      • latest

        CmmnDeploymentQuery latest()
        Only select deployments where the deployment time is the latest value. Can only be used together with the deployment key.
      • orderByDeploymentId

        CmmnDeploymentQuery orderByDeploymentId()
        Order by deployment id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByDeploymentName

        CmmnDeploymentQuery orderByDeploymentName()
        Order by deployment name (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByDeploymentTime

        CmmnDeploymentQuery orderByDeploymentTime()
        Order by deployment time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByTenantId

        CmmnDeploymentQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).