Interface CmmnRepositoryService

  • public interface CmmnRepositoryService
    • Method Detail

      • getDeploymentResourceNames

        List<String> getDeploymentResourceNames​(String deploymentId)
        Retrieves a list of deployment resources for the given deployment, ordered alphabetically.
        deploymentId - id of the deployment, cannot be null.
      • getResourceAsStream

        InputStream getResourceAsStream​(String deploymentId,
                                        String resourceName)
        Gives access to a deployment resource through a stream of bytes.
        deploymentId - id of the deployment, cannot be null.
        resourceName - name of the resource, cannot be null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the resource doesn't exist in the given deployment or when no deployment exists for the given deploymentId.
      • getCaseDefinition

        CaseDefinition getCaseDefinition​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Returns the CaseDefinition including all CMMN information like additional Properties (e.g. documentation).
      • getCmmnModel

        org.flowable.cmmn.model.CmmnModel getCmmnModel​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Gives access to a deployed case model, e.g., a CMMN 1.1 XML file, through a stream of bytes.
        caseDefinitionId - id of a CaseDefinition, cannot be null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case model doesn't exist.
      • getCaseDiagram

        InputStream getCaseDiagram​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Gives access to a deployed case diagram, e.g., a PNG image, through a stream of bytes.
        caseDefinitionId - id of a CaseDefinition, cannot be null.
        null when the diagram resource name of a CaseDefinition is null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case diagram doesn't exist.
      • deleteDeployment

        void deleteDeployment​(String deploymentId,
                              boolean cascade)
        Deletes the given deployment and cascade deletion to case instances, history case instances and jobs.
        deploymentId - id of the deployment, cannot be null.
      • createCaseDefinitionQuery

        CaseDefinitionQuery createCaseDefinitionQuery()
        Query case definitions
      • addCandidateStarterUser

        void addCandidateStarterUser​(String caseDefinitionId,
                                     String userId)
        Authorizes a candidate user for a case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.
        userId - id of the user involve, cannot be null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case definition or user doesn't exist.
      • addCandidateStarterGroup

        void addCandidateStarterGroup​(String caseDefinitionId,
                                      String groupId)
        Authorizes a candidate group for a case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.
        groupId - id of the group involve, cannot be null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case definition or group doesn't exist.
      • deleteCandidateStarterUser

        void deleteCandidateStarterUser​(String caseDefinitionId,
                                        String userId)
        Removes the authorization of a candidate user for a case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.
        userId - id of the user involve, cannot be null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case definition or user doesn't exist.
      • deleteCandidateStarterGroup

        void deleteCandidateStarterGroup​(String caseDefinitionId,
                                         String groupId)
        Removes the authorization of a candidate group for a case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.
        groupId - id of the group involve, cannot be null.
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the case definition or group doesn't exist.
      • getIdentityLinksForCaseDefinition

        List<org.flowable.identitylink.api.IdentityLink> getIdentityLinksForCaseDefinition​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Retrieves the IdentityLinks associated with the given case definition. Such an IdentityLink informs how a certain identity (eg. group or user) is authorized for a certain case definition
      • setCaseDefinitionCategory

        void setCaseDefinitionCategory​(String caseDefinitionId,
                                       String category)
        Sets the category of the case definition. Case definitions can be queried by category: see CaseDefinitionQuery.caseDefinitionCategory(String).
        org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableObjectNotFoundException - if no case definition with the provided id can be found.
      • changeDeploymentParentDeploymentId

        void changeDeploymentParentDeploymentId​(String deploymentId,
                                                String newParentDeploymentId)
        Changes the parent deployment id of a deployment. This is used to move deployments to a different app deployment parent.
        deploymentId - The id of the deployment of which the parent deployment identifier will be changed.
        newParentDeploymentId - The new parent deployment identifier.
      • getDecisionsForCaseDefinition

        List<org.flowable.dmn.api.DmnDecision> getDecisionsForCaseDefinition​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Retrieves the DmnDecisions associated with the given case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.
      • getDecisionTablesForCaseDefinition

        List<org.flowable.dmn.api.DmnDecision> getDecisionTablesForCaseDefinition​(String caseDefinitionId)
        replaced by getDecisionsForCaseDefinition(String caseDefinition)
        Retrieves the DmnDecisions associated with the given case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.
      • getFormDefinitionsForCaseDefinition

        List<org.flowable.form.api.FormDefinition> getFormDefinitionsForCaseDefinition​(String caseDefinitionId)
        Retrieves the FormDefinitions associated with the given case definition.
        caseDefinitionId - id of the case definition, cannot be null.