Interface ModelQuery

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ModelQuery
    extends org.flowable.common.engine.api.query.Query<ModelQuery,​Model>
    Allows programmatic querying of Models.
    Tijs Rademakers, Joram Barrez
    • Method Detail

      • modelId

        ModelQuery modelId​(String modelId)
        Only select model with the given id.
      • modelCategory

        ModelQuery modelCategory​(String modelCategory)
        Only select models with the given category.
      • modelCategoryLike

        ModelQuery modelCategoryLike​(String modelCategoryLike)
        Only select models where the category matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • modelCategoryNotEquals

        ModelQuery modelCategoryNotEquals​(String categoryNotEquals)
        Only select models that have a different category then the given one.
      • modelName

        ModelQuery modelName​(String modelName)
        Only select models with the given name.
      • modelNameLike

        ModelQuery modelNameLike​(String modelNameLike)
        Only select models where the name matches the given parameter. The syntax that should be used is the same as in SQL, eg. %test%
      • modelKey

        ModelQuery modelKey​(String key)
        Only selects models with the given key.
      • modelVersion

        ModelQuery modelVersion​(Integer modelVersion)
        Only select model with a certain version.
      • latestVersion

        ModelQuery latestVersion()
        Only select models which has the highest version. Note: if modelKey(key) is not used in this query, all the models with the highest version for each key will be returned (similar to process definitions)
      • deploymentId

        ModelQuery deploymentId​(String deploymentId)
        Only select models that are the source for the provided deployment
      • deployed

        ModelQuery deployed()
        Only select models that are deployed (ie deploymentId != null)
      • notDeployed

        ModelQuery notDeployed()
        Only select models that are not yet deployed
      • modelTenantId

        ModelQuery modelTenantId​(String tenantId)
        Only select models that have the given tenant id.
      • modelTenantIdLike

        ModelQuery modelTenantIdLike​(String tenantIdLike)
        Only select models with a tenant id like the given one.
      • modelWithoutTenantId

        ModelQuery modelWithoutTenantId()
        Only select models that do not have a tenant id.
      • orderByModelCategory

        ModelQuery orderByModelCategory()
        Order by the category of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByModelId

        ModelQuery orderByModelId()
        Order by the id of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByModelKey

        ModelQuery orderByModelKey()
        Order by the key of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByModelVersion

        ModelQuery orderByModelVersion()
        Order by the version of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByModelName

        ModelQuery orderByModelName()
        Order by the name of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByCreateTime

        ModelQuery orderByCreateTime()
        Order by the creation time of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByLastUpdateTime

        ModelQuery orderByLastUpdateTime()
        Order by the last update time of the models (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByTenantId

        ModelQuery orderByTenantId()
        Order by tenant id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).