Interface CaseInstanceQuery

    • Method Detail

      • caseInstanceNameLikeIgnoreCase

        CaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceNameLikeIgnoreCase​(String caseInstanceNameLikeIgnoreCase)
      • caseInstanceLastReactivatedBefore

        CaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceLastReactivatedBefore​(Date beforeTime)
      • caseInstanceLastReactivatedAfter

        CaseInstanceQuery caseInstanceLastReactivatedAfter​(Date afterTime)
      • activePlanItemDefinitionId

        CaseInstanceQuery activePlanItemDefinitionId​(String planItemDefinitionId)
        Select the case instances with an active plan item definition id equal to the provided definition id.
      • activePlanItemDefinitionIds

        CaseInstanceQuery activePlanItemDefinitionIds​(Set<String> planItemDefinitionIds)
        Select the case instances with an active plan item definition id equal to one of the provided definition ids.
      • involvedUser

        CaseInstanceQuery involvedUser​(String userId)
        Select the case instances with which the user with the given id is involved.
      • involvedUser

        CaseInstanceQuery involvedUser​(String userId,
                                       String identityLinkType)
        Select the case instances with which the user with the given id and identity link type are involved.
      • involvedGroup

        CaseInstanceQuery involvedGroup​(String groupId,
                                        String identityLinkType)
        Select the case instances with which the group with the given id and identity link type are involved.
      • involvedGroups

        CaseInstanceQuery involvedGroups​(Set<String> groupIds)
        Select the case instances with which the groups with the given ids are involved.
      • variableValueEquals

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueEquals​(String name,
                                              Object value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable with the given value. The type of variable is determined based on the value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
      • variableValueEquals

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueEquals​(Object value)
        Only select case instances which have at least one global variable with the given value. The type of variable is determined based on the value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
      • variableValueEqualsIgnoreCase

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueEqualsIgnoreCase​(String name,
                                                        String value)
        Only select case instances which have a local string variable with the given value, case insensitive.

        This method only works if your database has encoding/collation that supports case-sensitive queries. For example, use "collate UTF-8" on MySQL and for MSSQL, select one of the case-sensitive Collations available (MSDN Server Collation Reference).

        name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
        value - value of the variable, cannot be null.
      • variableValueNotEquals

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueNotEquals​(String name,
                                                 Object value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable with the given name, but with a different value than the passed value. Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
      • variableValueNotEqualsIgnoreCase

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueNotEqualsIgnoreCase​(String name,
                                                           String value)
        Only select case instances which have a local string variable which is not the given value, case insensitive.

        This method only works if your database has encoding/collation that supports case-sensitive queries. For example, use "collate UTF-8" on MySQL and for MSSQL, select one of the case-sensitive Collations available (MSDN Server Collation Reference).

        name - name of the variable, cannot be null.
        value - value of the variable, cannot be null.
      • variableValueGreaterThan

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThan​(String name,
                                                   Object value)
        Only select case instances which have a variable value greater than the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value, cannot be null.
      • variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueGreaterThanOrEqual​(String name,
                                                          Object value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable value greater than or equal to the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value, cannot be null.
      • variableValueLessThan

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueLessThan​(String name,
                                                Object value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable value less than the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value, cannot be null.
      • variableValueLessThanOrEqual

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueLessThanOrEqual​(String name,
                                                       Object value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable value less than or equal to the passed value. Booleans, Byte-arrays and Serializable objects (which are not primitive type wrappers) are not supported.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value, cannot be null.
      • variableValueLike

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueLike​(String name,
                                            String value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable value like the given value. This be used on string variables only.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value, cannot be null. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • variableValueLikeIgnoreCase

        CaseInstanceQuery variableValueLikeIgnoreCase​(String name,
                                                      String value)
        Only select case instances which have a global variable value like the given value (case insensitive). This be used on string variables only.
        name - variable name, cannot be null.
        value - variable value, cannot be null. The string can include the wildcard character '%' to express like-strategy: starts with (string%), ends with (%string) or contains (%string%).
      • variableExists

        CaseInstanceQuery variableExists​(String name)
        Only select case instances which have a variable with the given name.
        name - cannot be null.
      • variableNotExists

        CaseInstanceQuery variableNotExists​(String name)
        Only select case instances which don't have a variable with the given name.
        name - cannot be null.
      • includeCaseVariables

        CaseInstanceQuery includeCaseVariables()
        Includes case variables into the query result.
        caseInstanceQuery with the flag to retrieve case variables into the response.
      • or

        CaseInstanceQuery or()
        Begin an OR statement. Make sure you invoke the endOr method at the end of your OR statement.
      • limitCaseInstanceVariables

        CaseInstanceQuery limitCaseInstanceVariables​(Integer caseInstanceVariablesLimit)
        no longer needed, this is a noop
        Limit case instance variables
      • withLocalizationFallback

        CaseInstanceQuery withLocalizationFallback()
        Instruct localization to fallback to more general locales including the default locale of the JVM if the specified locale is not found.