Interface BatchPartQuery

    • Method Detail

      • batchId

        BatchPartQuery batchId​(String batchId)
        Only select batch parts with the given batch id
      • searchKey

        BatchPartQuery searchKey​(String searchKey)
        Only select batch parts with the given search key.
      • searchKey2

        BatchPartQuery searchKey2​(String searchKey2)
        Only select batch parts with the given search key.
      • batchType

        BatchPartQuery batchType​(String batchType)
        Only select batch parts with the given batch type.
      • batchSearchKey

        BatchPartQuery batchSearchKey​(String searchKey)
        Only select batch parts with the given batch search key.
      • batchSearchKey2

        BatchPartQuery batchSearchKey2​(String searchKey2)
        Only select batch parts with the batch given search key.
      • scopeId

        BatchPartQuery scopeId​(String scopeId)
        Only select batch parts with the given scope id.
      • subScopeId

        BatchPartQuery subScopeId​(String subScopeId)
        Only select batch parts with the given sub scope id.
      • scopeType

        BatchPartQuery scopeType​(String scopeType)
        Only select batch parts with the given scope type.
      • tenantId

        BatchPartQuery tenantId​(String tenantId)
        Only select batch parts with the given tenant id.
      • tenantIdLike

        BatchPartQuery tenantIdLike​(String tenantIdLike)
        Only select batch parts with a tenant id like the given one.
      • withoutTenantId

        BatchPartQuery withoutTenantId()
        Only select batch parts that do not have a tenant id.
      • completed

        BatchPartQuery completed()
        Only select batch parts that have been completed.
      • orderByBatchId

        BatchPartQuery orderByBatchId()
        Order by batch id (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).
      • orderByCreateTime

        BatchPartQuery orderByCreateTime()
        Order by batch part create time (needs to be followed by Query.asc() or Query.desc()).