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Intelligent Business Automation

Transform your business with a scalable intelligent business automation platform.

Many organizations are facing significant competitive challenges and are turning to Intelligent Business Automation to address them and to successfully compete within this changing global market.

Use a scalable intelligent automation platform to optimize processes for operational excellence, increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and responding faster to market and customer demands.

What is Intelligent Business Automation?

Intelligent Business Automation development uses three complementary standards to support the various complex work patterns used across modern organizations: Business Process Management (BPM), Case Management (CMM), and Decision Management (DMN).

By combining those three standards it allows for an end-to-end approach to automation, breaking down siloes by connecting business systems, technologies, data, and people.

Successful companies are turning to Intelligent Business Automation to better model both simple transactional workflows and more complex case management activities, using a more intelligent and comprehensive solution to thrive in the competitive global market.

Why Intelligent Business Automation?

Business as usual has its limits 

Legacy IT systems and technology are holding companies back in the digital transformation initiatives. Siloed application landscapes are inefficient, lead to employee frustration, and lack the flexibility to quickly respond to market and customer needs.  

Some organizations have implemented BPM solutions to streamline transactional workflows, cherry-picking key processes for automation in combination with RPA, but this approach lacks the holistic view needed to achieve broader business outcomes. Others have tried to implement end-to-end solutions that automate every process, but this “boil the ocean” approach quickly becomes outdated as it cannot keep up with the pace of change. 

Intelligent Business Automation is future proof 

By combining BPM, DMN, and Case Management, Intelligent Business Automation supports a spectrum of different work patterns, from simple transactional processes to complex goal-oriented scenarios. Additional, intuitive low-code capabilities enable organizations to respond to market changes, building fast, scalable solutions, and establishing new “Fusion Teams” that work across disciplines to solve problems. 

Intelligent Business Automation with Flowable

Flowable provides an intelligent automation platform to create and manage end-to-end solutions, streamlining operations, making use of important insights, and orchestrating systems and people. Digitally-enabled enterprises are given the tools to remain competitive within their industry with the flexibility to respond to market changes quickly. Flowable is used by leading organizations across financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, government, retail and more.  

Download the free Intelligent Business Automation whitepaper to:

Understand how technological development has accelerated change and increased competitiveness in a transnational market, leading companies to look for IBA solutions as a response to arising challenges.  
Learn why business (automation) as usual is not enough anymore and how Intelligent Business Automation, using the “Triple-Crown”-Standards of BPMN, CMMN and DMN, is the future.  
Read how leading companies are using IBA combined with low-code to develop and deliver business apps faster, provide support for more business process coverage, and to enable democratization and self-service application development.
Find out how Flowable is used by customers across multiple industries, as they go about their digital transformation of their business.  

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