Interface TaskInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        DB id of the task.
      • getName

        String getName()
        Name or title of the task.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Free text description of the task.
      • getPriority

        int getPriority()
        Indication of how important/urgent this task is
      • getOwner

        String getOwner()
        The user id of the person that is responsible for this task.
      • getAssignee

        String getAssignee()
        The user id of the person to which this task is delegated.
      • getProcessInstanceId

        String getProcessInstanceId()
        Reference to the process instance or null if it is not related to a process instance.
      • getExecutionId

        String getExecutionId()
        Reference to the path of execution or null if it is not related to a process instance.
      • getTaskDefinitionId

        String getTaskDefinitionId()
        Reference to the task definition or null if it is not related to any task definition.
      • getProcessDefinitionId

        String getProcessDefinitionId()
        Reference to the process definition or null if it is not related to a process.
      • getScopeId

        String getScopeId()
        Reference to a scope identifier or null if none is set (e.g. for bpmn process task it is null)
      • getSubScopeId

        String getSubScopeId()
        Reference to a sub scope identifier or null if none is set (e.g. for bpmn process task it is null)
      • getScopeType

        String getScopeType()
        Reference to a scope type or null if none is set (e.g. for bpmn process task it is null)
      • getScopeDefinitionId

        String getScopeDefinitionId()
        Reference to a scope definition identifier or null if none is set (e.g. for bpmn process task it is null)
      • getPropagatedStageInstanceId

        String getPropagatedStageInstanceId()
        If this task runs in the context of a case and stage, this method returns it's closest parent stage instance id (the stage plan item instance id to be precise). Even if the direct parent of the task is a process which itself might have been created out of a process task of a case, its stage instance is reflected in the task.
        the stage instance id this task belongs to or null, if this task is not part of a case at all or is not a child element of a stage
      • getCreateTime

        Date getCreateTime()
        The date/time when this task was created
      • getTaskDefinitionKey

        String getTaskDefinitionKey()
        The id of the activity in the process defining this task or null if this is not related to a process
      • getDueDate

        Date getDueDate()
        Due date of the task.
      • getCategory

        String getCategory()
        The category of the task. This is an optional field and allows to 'tag' tasks as belonging to a certain category.
      • getParentTaskId

        String getParentTaskId()
        The parent task for which this task is a subtask
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
        The tenant identifier of this task
      • getFormKey

        String getFormKey()
        The form key for the user task
      • getTaskLocalVariables

        Map<String,​Object> getTaskLocalVariables()
        Returns the local task variables if requested in the task query
      • getProcessVariables

        Map<String,​Object> getProcessVariables()
        Returns the process variables if requested in the task query
      • getCaseVariables

        Map<String,​Object> getCaseVariables()
        Returns the case variables if requested in the task query
      • getIdentityLinks

        List<? extends org.flowable.identitylink.api.IdentityLinkInfo> getIdentityLinks()
        Returns the identity links.
      • getClaimTime

        Date getClaimTime()
        The claim time of this task