Interface HistoricProcessInstance

  • public interface HistoricProcessInstance
    A single execution of a whole process definition that is stored permanently.
    Christian Stettler
    • Method Detail

      • getBusinessKey

        String getBusinessKey()
        The user provided unique reference to this process instance.
      • getBusinessStatus

        String getBusinessStatus()
        The user provided business status for this process instance.
      • getProcessDefinitionId

        String getProcessDefinitionId()
        The process definition reference.
      • getProcessDefinitionName

        String getProcessDefinitionName()
        The name of the process definition of the process instance.
      • getProcessDefinitionKey

        String getProcessDefinitionKey()
        The key of the process definition of the process instance.
      • getProcessDefinitionVersion

        Integer getProcessDefinitionVersion()
        The version of the process definition of the process instance.
      • getDeploymentId

        String getDeploymentId()
        The deployment id of the process definition of the process instance.
      • getStartTime

        Date getStartTime()
        The time the process was started.
      • getEndTime

        Date getEndTime()
        The time the process was ended.
      • getEndActivityId

        String getEndActivityId()
        Reference to the activity in which this process instance ended. Note that a process instance can have multiple end events, in this case it might not be deterministic which activity id will be referenced here. Use a HistoricActivityInstanceQuery instead to query for end events of the process instance (use the activityTYpe attribute)
      • getStartActivityId

        String getStartActivityId()
        The start activity.
      • getDeleteReason

        String getDeleteReason()
        Obtains the reason for the process instance's deletion.
      • getSuperProcessInstanceId

        String getSuperProcessInstanceId()
        The process instance id of a potential super process instance or null if no super process instance exists
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
        The tenant identifier for the process instance.
      • getName

        String getName()
        The name for the process instance.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        The description for the process instance.
      • getCallbackId

        String getCallbackId()
        The callback id for the process instance.
      • getCallbackType

        String getCallbackType()
        The callback type for the process instance.
      • getReferenceId

        String getReferenceId()
        The reference id for the process instance.
      • getReferenceType

        String getReferenceType()
        The reference type for the process instance.
      • getPropagatedStageInstanceId

        String getPropagatedStageInstanceId()
        If this process instance runs in the context of a case and stage, this method returns it's closest parent stage instance id (the stage plan item instance id to be precise).
        the stage instance id this process instance belongs to or null, if it is not part of a case at all or is not a child element of a stage
      • getProcessVariables

        Map<String,​Object> getProcessVariables()
        Returns the process variables if requested in the process instance query