JULY 31, 2023

We are excited to announce the latest Flowable release. Release 3.14 is all about providing users with outstanding features for a seamless modeling experience. Let’s have a look in detail:  

Modern UI technology for cutting-edge application design 

Flowable Design has always been feature-rich, and with release 3.14, we have taken it a step further by modernizing the user interface and technology. The new Flowable Design boasts a sleek and contemporary interface, powered by React, the leading UI technology. The shift from AngularJS to React ensures a consistent UI technology experience across all Flowable applications. Do you want to try out the new Flowable Design? You can do so unlimitedly with the cloud-based app.


Innovative workspace concept for seamless collaboration 

While Flowable Design previously supported separating different workstreams through tenants, there were some limitations in the way people worked together. With release 3.14, we have incorporated an innovative workspace concept that facilitates seamless collaboration, allowing multiple teams to work simultaneously on different projects. Additionally, workspaces have visibility and permission management, offering granular access control, and ensuring privacy while promoting teamwork and collaboration.  

Flawless iterations for better collaboration

With release 3.14, we introduce a new app revision feature that changes the way you collaborate. Now, you can create a full copy of all models included in the app at any given moment, facilitating smooth tracking, downloading, and reverting to previous versions. This ensures flawless iterations and easy rollbacks, empowering teams to work together effortlessly and efficiently.

Improving consistency with the Data Dictionary

One of the standout features of release 3.14 is the introduction of a new model type: the Data Dictionary. While previous versions of Flowable supported form models to define data structures, the Data Dictionary now helps standardize data definitions, fostering consistency across the organization. This new model type empowers data exchange between systems, adhering to predefined rules and formats, thus minimizing data inconsistencies or errors, and enhancing data accessibility and readability, making it a breeze for data analysts and developers to work with data.

More flexibility and adaptability with app-level variables

To further bolster consistency across your applications, release 3.14 introduces app-level variables, which allows you to define constant values and expressions with a consistent naming convention. This feature gives users the flexibility to adjust values and expressions without modifying the underlying code, making it simpler and faster to adapt the application in different use cases.

Enhanced form processing control

Release 3.14 provides precise control over form processing output through the ability to define allowed or blocked output mappings. This heightened control minimizes the risk of processing incorrect or unauthorized data. By ensuring only the right data is captured and utilized, this enhancement leads to more accurate analysis and decision-making.

A look into the future

The improvements in release 3.14 focus on providing customers with outstanding features for Excellence. With this release, customers can utilize both the new Flowable Design and the previous version based on AngularJS. However, we are excited to announce that with the next official release, expected for the end of 2023, only the new Design will be available. Rest assured, the migration process will be handled seamlessly, ensuring uninterrupted access to Design without any downtime. Flowable release 3.14 also marks the last Spring Boot 2.x release, as we are moving to Spring Boot 3.x in the next release, requiring users to migrate to Java 17. This move allows us to embrace the latest advancements in technology, ensuring top-notch performance and security.

Full details of all enhancements and fixes can be found in the Release Notes. If you are upgrading from a previous version, please carefully read the Upgrade Information. If you are a customer migrating to the new Flowable Design application, please read the Migration Guide.

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