JULY 11, 2019

The 6.4.2 release is mainly a bug fix release. The next release path will be towards Flowable 6.5.0 where we will be adding new features like history cleanup and improved JMS messaging support.

Where to get it:

Download link: https://flowable.org/downloads.htmlMaven (or other): update your dependencies to version 6.4.2The source code can be found on Github: https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/tree/flowable-6.4.2



  • Support has been added for CockroachDB (https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach) as an alternative DB option. A blog post with more details and getting started can be found here https://www.flowable.com/blog/getting-started-with-flowable-and-cockroachdb. The full list of changes can be found here #1716

  • Extracted the event subscription logic from the BPMN engine into a service (similar to the variable and job service for example), so that event subscriptions can also be used from the CMMN engine and possibly other engines in the future.

  • The manual sql scripts that can be found in the distro download are updated to include convenient scripts that will update and create the engines in one sql script.

  • Various small bugfixes and improvements all around.


  • Added support for BPMN escalation events.


  • Added support to listen to signal events in a CMMN case model. This enables more options to interact from a BPMN process instance with a CMMN case instance.Added ‘available condition’ to CMMN event listeners (e.g. user or timer event listener) to guard precisely when an event listener becomes available. See the documentation for examples.

Tijs_Rademakers_MG 8595

Tijs Rademakers

VP Engineering

BPM enthusiast and Flowable project lead.

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