
AI Agents + People + Processes.Orchestrated.

Amplify your expertise with AI for peak business performance.
Trusted by over 600 enterprises worldwide
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Maximize productivity with AI agents — on your terms.

Flowable is the agentic case management technology of choice for process-intensive enterprises and organizations with tough compliance. It puts your processes, people, and AI together in one unified platform. Comprehensive automation enables you to improve business efficiency, perfect outcomes, and make work execution visible at every step. Flowable does all the heavy work for you so your teams can work smarter, and your business can grow faster. 

The future of teamwork is agentic

Save time, resources, and costs with Flowable AI Studio.  

  • Easily build and manage AI agents and integrate tailored AI output with the control you need.

  • Use the right agent at the right time, while the platform monitors performance and cost for your best result. 

  • Enrich agents with your organization's knowledge base and enable your team to do hours of work in minutes. 

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Agile automation stays business ready

Keep focused on what’s important, even when changes arise. 

  • Enterprise-level automation fortifies your most dynamic work processes

  • Intelligent process orchestration with human-in-the-loop oversight reinforces controlled work accuracy and quality. 

  • Enterprise-grade security and scalability your IT teams trust make the Flowable Platform your way to automation initiatives at speed, so you stay focused on delivering value. 


Open innovation merits open architecture

Flowable is trusted worldwide by tech communities for its open source, open standards-base, and unmatched interconnectivity. 

  • Our architecture fits effortlessly into any existing IT setup, simple or complex, making it easy to integrate the tools and systems you choose.  

  • Increased accessibility and model-driven automation mean your master tech stack stays flexible, scalable, and geared to drive business growth.  

  • Our open-source heritage is also our commitment to continue innovating together with our thriving community. 

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Discover the latest in innovative automation

Governing AI agents in enterprises is achievable. Here’s how

Flowable CTO, Micha Kiener, looks into enterprise use of AI agents in practical business operations. Governing AI agents is possible with automation software capable of orchestration: giving you full control over AI agency and its onboarding within teams.

Taking your AI from trials to impactful enterprise use cases

Ready to move your AI business use out of isolation? Process orchestration brings governance, context, and human collaboration to your AI use, transforming it into a trusted enterprise asset — that you can scale with confidence.

Agentic AI agents connected to a keyboard with two buttons: "AI" and "enter"
AI agents: the next phase of artificial intelligence in business

By merging autonomy — aka independent acting — with intelligence, agentic AI is redefining how organizations work, by empowering newly achievable levels of efficiency.

Forrester: Automation trends and the rise of the AI agent

Watch this on-demand keynote by Forrester VP Craig Le Clair on how businesses are evolving from deterministic tasks to advanced, AI-driven systems that promise more dynamic and autonomous operations.

Smooth Sailing Enterprise Process Automation: Navigating Operational Efficiency

Holistic business process orchestration and automation technologies reflect the growing needs of enterprises aiming for operational excellence. Join Flowable Platform’s head of training services, on a journey in unified end-to-end automation solutions.

Driving intelligent business operations: Brand-new Flowable AI Studio capabilities

Brand-new AI capabilities are here with Flowable! This update introduces a suite of powerful AI-assisted capabilities designed to elevate content management, streamline workflows, and enhance overall business operations.