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Orchestrate, integrate, automate.Optimized processes with AI power and you in control.

Flowable is the agentic case management technology of choice for enterprises and workflow-intensive organizations. Designed to excel in future-proofing agility, identifying optimization, enhancing decision-making, unlocking efficiency, and easily navigating governance with full control over your workflows. 

Powerful processes house automated AI and agency

The future of teamwork is agentic. Save time, resources, and operational costs by orchestrating end-to-end and at scale with Flowable AI Studio. Accelerate digital transformation with natural-language-prompted case & process automation modelling. Easily build and orchestrate AI agents and integrate customized generative AI input with the governance you need. Enhance your AI agents by enriching them with your organization's local rules, data, and contextual information to maximize productivity and empower human potential safely. 

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Agile case management stays business ready

Enterprise-engineered case management modeling fortifies your business process agility, allowing you to remain focused on higher-value business-critical work, even when changes arise. Combining intelligent business process automation management and human-in-the-loop oversight reinforces controlled accuracy and work quality for improved consistency across the board. Reusable modules meet low-code capability to ensure scalable solutions and sustainable growth. 


Open innovation merits open architecture

Flowable’s open source and open standards-based technology combines transparency and unmatched interconnectivity. Open architecture effortlessly fits into existing IT landscapes and offers flexible integration and interoperability with the tools and systems you choose. Increased accessibility and model-driven capabilities allow you to build your central ecosystem to act as a master technology stack and connector for your existing tools. Flowable’s open-source heritage displays its expertise and commitment to innovation, where it supports its thriving community.

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Discover the latest in innovative automation

Forrester: Automation trends and the rise of the AI agent

Watch this on-demand keynote by Forrester VP Craig Le Clair on how businesses are evolving from deterministic tasks to advanced, AI-driven systems that promise more dynamic and autonomous operations.

Driving intelligent business operations: Brand-new Flowable AI capabilities

Brand-new AI capabilities are coming to Flowable! This update will introduce a suite of powerful AI-assisted capabilities designed to elevate content management, streamline workflows, and enhance overall business operations.

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Whitepaper: Business orchestration & automation for AI adoption

Gain insights into how enterprises can effectively operationalize AI using business process orchestration and automation.